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Miracle in China has not happened yet, but bitcoin has risen above $ 6,500


Despite optimistic rumors and expectations of the resumption of trading on November 1 by the largest exchanges of China - BTCC, OKCoin and Huobi - in China, new positive statements from representatives of these exchanges have not yet been received. They continue to develop sites in Hong Kong and are planning to expand to other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. BTCC froze the withdrawal of funds at 12 o'clock on Monday, as it was previously stated in the press release of the exchange, which followed the requirements of the Chinese government on September 4.

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A large investor placed in bitcoin 30% of his hedge fund


The number of bitcoin supporters is growing, which leads to an increase in capital investments in the industry of crypto-currencies. Now the industry is attracting financial heavyweights, which are beginning to understand the value of digital currencies and their incredible potential. As a result, they begin to invest. For example, Bill Miller successfully invested a third of his hedge fund in bitcoin. Influential investor Bill Miller ran a portfolio that struck everyone with its success from 1991 to 2005. Now he started making money using bitcoin. According to the Wall Street Journal, Miller invested 30% of his fund's assets in bitcoin. It is worth noting that he bought a crypto currency at a price of $ 350 per coin. Now the price of bitcoin fluctuates around 6 500 dollars.

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Bitcoin Cash has a new algorithm for adjusting complexity


The Bitcoin ABC development team has announced its plans to update Bitcoin Cash through a hardfork planned for November 13th. The update is designed to stabilize the complexity algorithm (DAA). Leading developer Bitcoin ABC Amory Sechet (Amaury Séchet) and CEO Bitprim Juan Garavaglia told what to expect from the upcoming update. On Monday, the Bitcoin ABC development team issued a statement regarding the upcoming hardfork of the Bitcoin Cash network (BCC).

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Hybrid online investment: the opportunity to bypass the ban of ICO


Changes in the global ICO market are inevitable in the near future, given that China has banned the initial placement of tokens, and the crypto-currencies are very seriously regulated in the US, Canada, Singapore and Australia. Companies trying to raise funds by selling their own coins or tokens, it is better to move to countries that are not engaged in tight regulation of the crypto-currency market, for example, Switzerland or the United Kingdom.
Nevertheless, this does not solve the main problems related to the industry: taxation and protection of investors' rights.

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How many barrels of oil do you need to produce one bitcoin?


The cost of mining bitcoins has often been criticized by opponents of crypto-currencies. Let's see how much 1 BTC costs in barrels of oil. The industry of crypto currency is developing at a frantic pace and bitcoin continues to be the driver. It is on its extraction that most of the miners are oriented. The cost of bitcoin and relative stability of growth attract more and more people to this sector. The complexity of the network is growing and getting bitcoin is getting harder and more expensive. More and more new capacities are being introduced, which consume more and more electricity, for the production of which, mainly, oil is burned.

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The Wolf of Wall Street: ICO is the biggest scam of all


Former stockbroker / Wall Street fraudster Jordan Belfort determined ICO (Initial Coins Offering) as "the greatest scam". A new form of fund-raising, ICO is, in fact, the sale of cryptographic tokens by start-ups in exchange for financing with the help of crypto currency, such as bitcoin and ether, to attract funding in the early stages. Earlier in September, the project of decentralized data storage Filecoin set an ICO record, raising $ 257 million. According to one tracker, the collection of funds by the ICO method in 2017 exceeded $ 3 billion.

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Blockstream introduces the Simplicity programming language for smart contracts


Dr. Russell O'Connor of Blockstream, during the PLAS 2017 workshop in Dallas, USA, unveiled his work "Simplicity: A New Language for Blockchains", in which he described a new programming language called Simplicity. This typed functional programming language is intended to be an alternative to existing languages, which are used to develop smart contracts based on blockchain technology. One of the main differences between Simplicity and Bitcoin Script - a simple scripting language on which you can execute simple scripts (the prototype of smart contracts) in Bitcoin's locker is the lack of a problem with the lack of some opcodes.

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FACTS: a new model for the legal ICO


Several blockchain companies recently advertised "legitimate" or "compliant" American regulators ICO. However, getting deeper into details, it quickly becomes clear that these ICO-teams do not understand the SEC's requirements and that their location of the tokens does not comply with the standards. This is not surprising. Most entrepreneurs (quite rightly) are more focused on building a business than on understanding regulation, and it's not just about businessmen in the blockchain industry. Nevertheless, companies that raise funds through the ICO are very at risk, and today entrepreneurs need to understand the regulatory requirements in order to avoid problems.

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Exchange Bitfinex is suspected of fictitious trade


The BitCrypto'ed blog claims that the Bitfinex Exchange is engaged in a fictional trade (wash trading). The blog article, consisting of two parts, reports on the alleged illegal activities of the exchange. In the first part, the author explains how the process takes place and why it is profitable for the exchange, and in the second - what could push Bitfinex to carry out such operations.

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How the distributed technologies and the blockchain systems change the game industry


The industry of video games is experiencing rapid growth, and the popularity of online broadcasts of major e-sports tournaments attracts an audience comparable in size to the audience of traditional sports events. Moreover, this phenomenon already claims for official recognition from far from virtual sports associations and committees: for example, the International Olympic Committee allows the holding of the first ever Olympic video game tournament in 2024. About 58 million people around the world call themselves professional gamers. The total profit of platforms that allow organizing cyber-tournaments is approaching $ 1 billion, and, according to some estimates, in just a few years it will gain another billion. This popularity of video games has led to the emergence of several related industries, one of which is the sale and purchase of virtual items, such as skins and weapons. If skins serve mainly to amuse the player's pride, then weapons often play a decisive role in virtual battles. Nevertheless, skins, which have no practical value even in the virtual world, are sold for quite real money. Some of them, considered rare, go to new owners for 15 thousand dollars.

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